This Modern Love - Meet Artist, Samantha Sandbrook
A hopeless romantic, Samantha Sandbrook’s art is defined by her endless pursuit to modernize classic love stories and the female tenderness as a focal feature to be enjoyed by the eyes and interpreted by the heart. From the infamous Verona balcony of Romeo and Juliette to depictions of Marilyn Monroe’s Hollywood glamour, Sandbrook steers away from traditional projection and drives towards playful and oftentimes bold statements in her installations.
Samantha Sandbrook
cannot be contained into a single category and neither can her art. Her medium ranges from her first love, painting to furniture design and everything in between. Her sculptures are magnetic and alluring - with her use of exaggerated color and use of metallics that purposely draw the attention it deserves. Her attention to detail in her figurative paintings and her infamous graffiti renditions of the Verona Balcony merge fictional storylines into personal experience that soften the rough edges of romantic attachment. While her use of color is intentionally bold and cheery, it carries an inspired depth. Her ‘Closer to Fine’ wall sculpture installation mirrors the intensities of one’s life. The highs and the lows are depicted in wave-like format while the scratched blue graffiti reflects the sporadic and imperfected episodes we walk through.