Look At The (Tinted) Bright Side- Handmade Sunglasses
It’s time to take off your factory made rose colored lenses and open your eyes to more bespoke frames that encompass timeless luxury with an emphasis on your personal style. We’ve rounded up top handmade sunglass brands that are sure to reflect superb quality. No optical illusions here.
Berlin born, raised and handcrafted. The modern design joins forces with advanced technology that leaves us with a sophisticated and distinctive aesthetic. Each pair of lenses offer 100% glare and UVA, UBB protection.
Founded in Britain and inspired by the greats of the past - or rather, what the greats of the past were wearing. Taylor Morris offers different luxe ranges and collections of handcrafted eyewear for men and women inclusively.
Karun might be the most sustainable designer brand - maybe ever. Working ethically and responsibly throughout each developmental phase. The eyewear serves as a symbol of “seeing the world through different lenses” or perspective. It doesn’t hurt that they’re also super flattering.
Inspired by the breathtaking views of Africa and handmade in Italy by three artisanal families, (how cute?!) who create every single frame from start to finish using old school methods. The result is bellisimo.
Feel free to stare directly into the California sun with a pair of Raens on. Their premium line of handmade, coastal inspired eyewear embodies the heart of the free-spirited west coast.