The Escapism Artist: Enter Into The Surreal World Of Andres Reisinger
Digital designer Andres Reisinger is one of the most sought-after artists of the 21st century… and for good reason. Favoring contemporary aesthetics, utopian alter realities and mesmerizing architecture (conveyed in notably unexpected pink tones—man after our own heart), the 3D art is both transcendent and grounding.
Photos via Andres Reisinger
They say today, nothing in this world is original—except, of course, the artwork of Reisinger. You’ve seen his eclectic art on Instagram reposts, collaborations with designers like Cassini and Patricia Urquiola and with brands like Nike and Microsoft just to name drop a few. Entering the world of Reisinger is like walking into a paradisiacal dimension. Rich with color, organic shapes and even some chairs that are so fabulous you would never even think about sitting in them—only admiring from a distance. His digital art captures the concept of fantasy versus reality, focusing mainly on the blurred lines between the two dimensions. What is real and what is a dream? The use of soft-colored atmospheres, vivid interiors and sculptural imagination come alive in modern dreamscapes. Each visual feels emotionally driven, as it shifts from merely visualizing art to experiencing the depths of possibilities in it.