Work Hard. Parent Hard. Discover BümoWork
If you’re a working parent in the Los Angeles area, you’re in luck!
After a year of juggling working from home with daily childcare activities, coupled with lack of inspiration in previous co-working spaces that often prioritize densely packed glass-walled cubes and ping pong tables, two Asian-American working moms reimagined the way Millennial and Gen Z parents can excel in their careers without missing a beat in their kids’ lives—Enter BümoWork.
Photos via BümoWork
Founded by Chriselle Lim, renowned influencer turned entrepreneur, and education expert Joan Ngyen, BümoWork is a truly inspiring shared workspace that breeds collaboration and functions with full-time childcare just on the other side of a robin's egg blue wall.
Designed in collaboration with famed architect Josh Heitler, of Heitler Houstoun Architects—known for his work on Drybar and W Hotel Las Vegas, and built out with furnishings from Industry West, the space was strategically designed to weave in unique details throughout and provide a space with equal emphasis on aesthetics and functionality. BümoWork gives working parents access to a beautiful workspace, phone booths, and conference rooms to get work done while being co-located with their little one. Complete with a separate family and nursing room, the state-of-the-art space is inspirational enough for the creative, open enough for collaboration, and private enough for true focus.